Every January, Ham Radio Operators bare the “cold” of Houston to rise so early as to question the need to attempt to sleep the night before. They arrive under a darkened sky hours before the cheering fans begin to line up. Receiving their assignments in the Minuet Maid parking lot.
- Net control operators for the various ham radio nets that support the Houston Marathon. There can be up to 5 nets running at one time.
- An Olympic Trial run abaout to commence. In 2012 on the day before the Houston Marathon the Olympic Trial Half Marathon? took place in Houston for the first time.
- Paul N5NXS at the controls of net control, wheil Lee WA5QXE, and Frank N5EJX assist in addresing a pre-start issue to the event.
- The finish line final stretch for the 2012 Houston Marathon / Half-Marathon
- Final stretch of the Houston Marathon along Allen Parkway.
- Typiical example of Ham Radio operators staffing a eatering station along the course.
- Paul Owen – N5NXS? at his usual spot as nect control of the Operations Net. Carl Hacker – WC5WM is giving a final morning briefing on event details. Paul has been a netcontrol for the Houston Marathon for almost 20 years.
- Busy activity at the Net Control decks for the event.
- APRS (Automaitic Packet Reporting System) is a tool used by Ham Radio operators during events to keep track of assets. The systems utiizes GPS location information setup over the radio as data packets.
- My setup (N0XFD) as communication support for the Marathon Elite Runner SAG Van.
One of the major events for volunteer Ham Radio operators each year in the area. It is compared in size to the BP MS150 Bike Tour and the Wings Over Houston Airshow.